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47л высокий

47л высокий

Резервуар с жидким азотом PROMED емкостью 47 л для безопасного и удобного хранения криогенных проб. Эта серия предлагает;
Базовая информация.
Модель №.ЯДС-47-127/6
Статическое испарение (л/день)0,36
Высота канистры (мм)276
Высота730 мм
Диаметр отверстия (мм)127 мм
№ Канайзера6
Диаметр канистры (мм)97
Емкость бака47л
Транспортный пакетЭкспорт фанерного пакета
Товарный знакСРЕДНИЙ
Код ТН ВЭД76130010
Производственная мощность3000 комплектов/месяц
Описание продукта
Резервуар с жидким азотом PROMED емкостью 47 л для безопасного и удобного хранения криогенных пробThe series offers a balance of features that make it an ideal choice for those who require both a large capacity and low liquid nitrogen consumption. The tanks are designed with the end user in mind, making it easy to access and retrieve samples, which is especially important in scenarios where frequent sample extraction is required. The tanks' lightweight and space-saving design make them an attractive choice for those who need a small sample library or an early-stage storage facility.The high-strength, lightweight aluminum structure of the tanks ensures durability and stability. The tanks are designed with a high-strength neck that reduces liquid nitrogen loss, making them a cost-effective solution for long-term sample storage. The multi-layer insulated vacuum design of the tanks reduces radiation and provides added protection to stored samples.The Large Caliber Liquid Nitrogen Tank series can be paired with an intelligent monitoring system for remote monitoring, which allows users to keep an eye on their samples from anywhere. The safety lock provides added security for stored samples, giving users peace of mind.In conclusion, the Large Caliber Liquid Nitrogen Tank series is an excellent choice for those who require a reliable, convenient, and secure storage solution for their biological samples. The tanks' large caliber design, high-strength construction, and multi-layer insulated vacuum design provide optimal performance, while the intelligent monitoring system and safety lock provide added security. With a 5-year quality guarantee, users can be assured of the series' long-term reliability and peace of mind.
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